lunes, 16 de febrero de 2015

Learn to play guitar practicing with

"Learning play music reading theory music is like making love by mail" (Luciano Pavarotti)

We are totally agree with this, so in addition to the theory necessary to learn how to play guitar we also will prepare performances for you to practice what you will learn quickly and easily. 

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And we will send you this PACK!!

This work has been created for beginners and intermediates to practice the E major scale.

We have selected 10 Phrases and Licks using themes of GUNS N' ROSES and we have transformed them to E tone.

These Phrases and Licks have been listed in order of difficulty so as to learn faster and in the best possible way, and tablature with graphics for knocking and fingering, as well as audio files in two speeds.

In this work you can also find two performances in which the only difference is that the guitar solos are different, we have created them using some phrases and licks from these works.

We invite you to put your creativity to the test and create your own guitar solo.

Here we leave one of the guitar solos that we will send you in the PACK

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